I've been a J.R. Rain fan for a while so when his Vampire for Hire series was added to Kindle Worlds I knew I had to play in his sandbox!...

Seta's Fall Official Release Date 4/24/2017
Preorder is up at Smashwords. Has been uploaded to Amazon and everywhere else! Official Release Date: 4/24/2017 If you are a newsletter...
Seta's Fall is DONE!
I am very happy to announce I finished writing Seta's Fall today. I was determined to get it done no matter what so I sat myself down at...

Seta's Fall is still in progress. As always with anything in the Blood Revelation series, these characters love to take over the show and...
No Fool For Romance This Year
Hey all! There will be no Fool For Romance event this year. This has always been a major event to handle, keeping track of all the...
Hidden Figures - MUST SEE!
I took my youngest to see Hidden Figures earlier this month and I am still in awe of how powerful this movie was and I am still sharing...
Welcome to my new site. I have finally upgraded to a much cleaner, nicer looking site that is truly easy to navigate. I have just...