VAMPIRE GIRL PROBLEMS out this month!!!
I've been slow with updates because I've been writing Vampire Girl Problems (OK, and I've read Stephanie Plum Books 1-23 TWICE EACH during this time too but seriously, I've been writing A LOT) aaaaaaaand it's finally done!
OK, so it only took me like 4 months from start to finish to write it which may not seem long to many, but I'd expected to finish it in two because I had the whole thing pretty mapped out and it was going to be about 70-80K words like the first one... but it took on a life of its own and that sucker weighs in at 105,607 words, making it the longest book I've written since Little White Lies!
This book was a lot of fun to write. It made me laugh so much. I've introduced new characters to the series, one of whom kept threatening to steal every scene he was in and brought something really special to the storyline. Speaking of storyline, I merged two other series into the Twice Bitten series. You will find a couple of my characters from the Blood Revelation series in here and one major new character popped in from Imortia, a realm you may recall from the Moonlit series.
I also plugged in a character based on one of my real life friends and had fun picking fun at him, just because. :)
The book is off to my proofer and will be available in ebook soon. :)